Under the Bleachers

clank, clink, clank, 
i listen to him run up and down the metal steps
Up and down
clank, clink, clink, 
clink, clink, clink,
clank, clink, clank, 
clink, clank, clink,

then he sits, for a rest, he's out of breath

i see the veins
in his muscular legs, O0o,
like ssnakes
reeaching out
like ivy
like the castle walls
with cracks and graffiti on it
he's gotta lotta tats
pale skin, red hair
reminds me of the dry grass field a few miles away
after i took care of a guy in it a couple days ago
took care of him reeaal good

i grab his ankles
pull him through
to my domain
he tries to escape
gets to his feet
but i flatten him out again

then i take care of him too

1 comment:

  1. Yes, living on this earth is a BIG conundrum, brudda;
    in Seventh-Heaven, you wont have that prob nomo:
    + nrg2xtc.blogspot.com +
    Join me Upstairs for a party-hardy, bubba.
