on being a poet (final chapter)

i drive off road
and purposefully get lost 
hundred degrees in AZ
no water
on E
no phone
no humans around for miles 

i reflect for a moment 
about how it’s not killing myself
it’s killing everyone else 
just pull my finger , and
all 8 billion of u will cease to exist 

i finger my gun….
then i see a bird in the distance
a big colorful bird
what the fuck is that
i aim my gun at it
look through the scope
i think it’s a toucan
what the fuck is a toucan doing in Arizona
it starts flying towards me....
it must have escaped captivity
maybe a zoo
or a person’s house
it flies down to me and sits on my shoulder
it’s all fucked up 
it nuzzles its beak into my neck 
i pet it
it cries
i cry 
(i’ve never had a pet of my own before, this feels nice, i feel like this is a sign…i feel inspired…)
i can do this, we can do this, together)
it’s OK
i’ll help you big guy

it’s alright
I’ll help you



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