
Got some money saved
Gotta get away
Too much pain here to stay

On a boat

Now I'm on a train

Cocaine cocaine cocaine

What's my name

Stupid fucking bitch

Say my fucking name

If it all runs out
maybe I’ll rob a bank
and if i can't escape
and the pigs got me surrounded
n tell me to give up
mayb i will cuz (i don’t want to go to jail)
Suicide by cop sounds swell

or i could just do it myself

Mom keeps callin’
I keep telling her
It’ll be okay
But neither of us believe what I say

In this city
There are frogs all over the place
I try not to run them over
in my rental car

But I can’t help it


  1. Very honest and raw. It's like a quick flash to a scene I can visualize in my head or the beginning of a book I don't want to read but I'm inexplicably drawn to. Meaning--you captivate ;)

  2. suicide by cops is the only honorable form of suicide, so i'm told

  3. That's fucking awesome Johhny!
    I felt like I was looking through a dingy window into a cheap Hotel room at you writing your name on that table,
    with a fluorescent sign outside flashing on and off every few seconds...
    Or maybe that's just the shit I've been smoking!
    either way it's an excellent poem.

  4. "Sayonara" is there.

  5. I love your taste in music. I'm into metal as well. Your poetry is nicely morbid. I've got a strong stomach, but some shocked me.
